'Awapuhi 'ula 'ula (Red Ginger) - Maui Ocean Center

Park Hours
9 AM - 5 PM

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‘Awapuhi ‘ula ‘ula (Red Ginger)

Also known as “bitter ginger”, this plant has been used for centuries as a shampoo and conditioner. The red bulbous flowers are filled with a sudsy liquid that works well as an all natural soap. Although this is its most well known use, ʻawapuhi also has a wide range of medicinal uses. The leaves can be used as a compress to help with bruising and cuts, and mashed ʻawapuhi roots can treat headaches and toothaches. Additionally, the rhizome (root) is edible, and the leaves can be used to flavor meat when cooking in an imu (underground oven).

Did you know?

ʻAwapuhi has antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and antimicrobial properties.

Common name: Shampoo Ginger, Bitter Ginger

Scientific name: Zingiber zerumbet

Where to Find: Rainy mid-elevation environments

Status: Canoe Plant (Polynesian Introduction)

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