Canoe plants are plants brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesian voyagers who arrived centuries ago. These plants played an important role in the survival and cultural development of the Hawaiian people, and can be used for creating tools, medicine, food, and household goods.
Canoe plants can be found all across the Hawaiian islands, from botanical gardens, to cultural sites, and even along hiking trails. When you visit these locations, you as a visitor will appreciate the resourcefulness these Polynesian explorers brought with them to Hawai’i.
Interested in learning more about Maui’s plant life? Reserve your spot on our Hawaiian Culture and Botanical Tour and dive into our island’s flora today.
Short, round bamboo stamps have three-dimensional patterns carved on one end. Using naturally derived inks and dyes, the stamp is then pressed onto kapa (Hawaiian barkcloth), leaving a beautiful pattern or image.
In Hawaiian kapa making, the hōhoa, a cylindrical wooden beater, tackles the wauke bark first, pounding it on a stone anvil (kua pōhaku) to break down the fibers before further shaping with other tools. A rectangular wooden beater (i’e kuku) is used to finish.
This anvil-shaped wooden board provided the final smoothing surface for creating a finer texture in kapa (barkcloth).
A large, flat stone anvil, this serves as the starting point for creating kapa (barkcloth). The kapa is pounded initially for a rough texture, then soaked in saltwater for more pliability before further beating.
The niho oki, a Hawaiian multi-tool crafted from hardwood and a shark tooth (usually from a tiger shark), served for cutting, carving, stripping, and shaving, and even self-defense.
Experience the vibrant tapestry of Hawaiian biodiversity with a journey through Maui Ocean Center’s Hawaiian Culture and Botanical Plant Tour.
Embark on a multi-sensory experience, today!
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